Lately on one of my current town inhabitants t-shirt had been written:
Impossible can be possible or alike!
It seems that:
He want to say me that most beautiful and freethinker,…girls wedding with me aren’t impossible and chimerical and vain hope. Rather than they can be possible and feasible strikingly and surprisingly soon or late too! Such a way that as a result of its performance a lot of persons will be transfixed in their places too!
Indeed, who train these groups of people in backstage and then propel them toward me subsequently and are these groups of people and their back of scene trainers my pros or cons inwardly?
Radio and TV broadcasting
My future first (probable)fiancee and her familiars and fans
Those groups of people that inhabit in Isfahan metropolis particularly my past pure poop university sly and sneaky scholars and their followers and imitators
Intelligence services
Iran leaders
Different NGOS
World system
World society
Those mafia gangs that govern Tehran metropolis alley and street,…terms
So called times godfathers
Satanist sects
Why as before I suppose some of social strata especially some of radio and TV announcers (with radio broadcasters centralities) are so sneaky and sly and fishy?
It seems either they are testing me or tantalizing or tricking me as before. Of course maybe they are playing with me too. Perhaps they imagine that they can brainwash me by psychological and non-psychological ways. Of course they never can brainwash me with their proficient psychological,…ways or to torment and terrorize me and conspire against me in different places and deprive me from pleasurable life great donations even from my childhood eras to now and or embroil us,…without their proper punishments! Or even through to impose engineered disasters and diseases and deceits and discriminations to us,…in order to frustrate me,…easily and without proper penalty!
This is while reversely, their long term tricks and tortures,…strengthen my mental power and my radical stances against them and their ideologies,…concurrently too! And we will backfire all of their long lasting diabolism to themselves right alike boomerangs and we will shock and screw and spoil and ruin them a lot soon or late and whatever their punishments time be postponed their severities increase progressively too!
Of course I hope that these kinds of bad supposition on them be false completely and they don’t be evil hearted innately at all as well.
No one can change my favorite thinking systems and lifestyles and world views,…satanically by force at all!
Because under these circumstances, conversely they coerce me to so more retaliation measures and turn me to zealous and hardliner and vigorous and ultra-radical iron will and stalwart person properly and automatically! And their long term naughtiness and diabolism blaze my vengeance flames so more and backfire to themselves and blaze and burn them too terribly too!
So, let us never dare to convert one another by force or through terrorization one another personalities and or by deprivation one another human rights and natural rights and or immolate one another familiars and fans,…unmanly and knavishly!
Anyway as before despite different social strata stances on my marriage glad tidings truth ,from my standpoint I haven’t any fiancee at all and all of news on this momentous matter are as mere lie and rumor from my point of view even if they be true totally too. I’ve said on this so sensitive sphere before now frequently and I avoid from its prolonging again!
Meantime merely and merely I marry with those groups of girls that:
1- They’ve my favorite triplet marriage standards and they match me as much as it can be feasible!
2- They rejoice and refresh and rejuvenate me a lot eternally!
3- They never dare to compel me to wars of nerves and wars of attrition and retaliation measures through their infringement from my favorite frequently pre-written prescribed popular lifestyles and thinking systems,…or by their sadistic and projective behaviors and mischievousness!
4- Their wedding with me never must be calamitous and clamorous and costly and seditious and tormentor and time-intensive and troublemaking and nerve-racking!
Keeping in mind long term too terrible time tyrannies and tricks, that never be pardonable and recoverable too, it expect that either I quit my calamitous country in best idealistic manners immediately or most beautiful and freethinker and frisky,…adolescent and just adolescent girl wed me erotically and eagerly and immediately! And with passage of times their numbers increase as well.
Because I intend to earmark my rest golden longevity to extravagant eroticism with my future nymphet and nympho and nice,…partners permanently!
And it expect that all of my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…partners be preteen and teen in turn! instead more than 25 years old girls severely shirk and shun from sex and crush and chemistry and dating and wedding with me forever!
Because I avoid from these groups of ages in order to date and wed and sex with them forever!
Instead, I extremely love ceaselessly and greedily and pleasurably sexual intercourse and orgy and debauchery with passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen(preferably preteen)chicks permanently!
Meantime my future nymphet and nice,…first probable fiancee is obliged to shorten her wedding trend with me just according to my guidelines and guide directions and at the outset she should prepare my favorite home pets and music and sport instruments,…by all means and after her extreme makeup come our current junky apartment unit and after her extreme apology from me submit her wooing requisition me meekly and then wed me erotically and enthusiastically at once. Such a way that all of these gorgeous events occur concurrently till one month later maximally by all means!
And then in length of her married life and erotic life and love life with me, she exhilarate me eternally, of course in company with my other future passionate and pretty,…preteen and teen partners!
Only and only I welcome from these groups of girls in order to love life with them everlasting! or else I severely avoid from other groups of girls in order to dating and crush and chemistry and sexual intercourse and wedding with them forever and even I believe on permanent celibacy is so better than to wed and date with those groups of girls that mismatch me and they haven’t my favorite trine marriage standards and they haven’t harmony with me in different fields. Unless they be courtesans and sex workers that only have sexual intercourse with me from time to time or regularly!
Of course fortunately it is unlikely that courtesans and even poor prostitutes have Middle Ages ideologies and lifestyles too!
Please pay deep attention that I detest from traditionalist and racist and fascist and obscurantist and middle ages,… believers! Unless they convert themselves inherently and repent truly from these very poisonous and pathogenic and pure poop ideologies and thinking systems and lifestyles,…permanently!
Instead, I love hedonism and humanism and sybaritism and sensualism and syncretism and naturalism and populism and cosmopolitism and egalitarianism and liberalism,…simultaneously not separately of course with dynamic and modern approaches from them eternally! And I expect that my future partners be alike me from these so sensitive spheres as well!
Restlessly and impatiently, I wait for merely and merely my marriage or migration to overseas fulfillment just according to my expectations in so superb circumstances in shortest time span!
It is so horrendously and hazardously late too!
Stay that Satanist sects and their inwardly blind imitators have lagged and lengthened my marriage,…trends heartlessly hitherto!
Because they’ve had so criminal minds and calamitous intentions and nasty plots ever since!
In any case, I hope that I feel high with my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners henceforth and as a result of ceaseless orgy and debauchery with them I become overjoyed forever!
It expect that my future nymphet and nymphomaniac and nice,…first probable wife wed me erotically and eagerly until one month later maximally! And she doesn’t imitate from times demons blindly at all as well. and she doesn’t lag and lengthen her wedding trend with me and in this case she play Satan and serial killer and source of sedition and ahmadi physician doubleganger,…roles concurrently too!
Because times demons want to make my marriage,…trends so more disastrous and immolate more numbers of my familiars and fans and even how often hinder from my marriage performance as much as they can and even they want that I slaughter my future partners during my very rightful retaliation measures afterward as well. Because whatever my marriage trends be more time-intensive, my future partners lifetimes are endangered increasingly and their punishments severities enhance progressively and properly too! And their dismemberment and decapitation probabilities by me increase automatically as well.
Unless it adopts attitudes that I abandon my hellish homeland immediately and idealistically!
I’m in a hurry a lot and my hastiness is so rightful and proper too!
So, one of these 2 non-alternative options must occur in very idealistic and pleasurable forms immediately by all means!
It is obligatorily not arbitrarily at all!
Please ponder more and more and understand me more and take into account long term too terrible time tyrannies and tricks and then entitle me totally!
Because as before I’m in the right absolutely!
Please don’t misjudge me through inspiration from racism and fascism and medievalism and other Satanism schools literatures and laws and lifestyles and norms at all!
As my marriage momentous matter has so pivotal importance for me, then in order to hindrance my future partners dismemberment and decapitation by me appropriately and in order to prevention to pull their pupils out from their eyes by me properly, again and again for million times I repeat that only and only those groups of girls are permitted to date and wed me as my future partners that:
1- Their dating and wedding with me don’t become calamitous and clamorous and costly and tormentor and time-intensive and troublemaking and nerve wrack!
2- All of my future partners must match me and they must have my favorite triplet marriage standards necessarily!
In spite of rehash, I repeat that those groups of girls match me and they’ve my favorite trine marriage standards that they have following qualifications by all means:
1- Their ages be under 15 preferably and under 25 compulsorily! Of course I severely stress that all of them be preteen and teen in turn!
2- From looks and character they be unique!
I mean they be so beautiful and they’ve so lascivious body members. Especially their erogenous zones be so lecherous and libidinous! And they be so hot and horny girls that in length of their erotic life with me they be so hotter than popular porn stars as well!
On their characters they must be so amiable and affectionate and attractive and freethinker and frisky and funny and fine and fascinating and fantastic,…girls simultaneously and they severely should shun and shirk and loath from racism and fascism and medievalism and monarchism(particularly its middle east countries versions)and militarism and Islamism and traditionalism and obscurantism and nationalism and other similar crap and crappy world views and ideologies and lifestyles and instead their thinking systems and world views and ideologies and lifestyles be based on dynamic and modern and popular syncretism that their elements are humanism and hedonism and sybaritism and sensualism and naturalism and modernism and universalism and populism and liberalism and alike of course with their dynamic approaches simultaneously not separately(at all) right alike me!
I mean they must be my doubleganger as much as they can even in ultra-radical kind forms too!
Meantime all of my future partners,…must allocate all of their eternal endeavors on my extra-eroticism fulfillment and they should intoxicate and exhilarate me extremely and eternally! Not they blow out my brains by their very sadistic and projective and improper deeds and tasks and talks at all! Not they’ve long-term criminal minds and calamitous intentions and nasty plots and sinister schemes on my rest familiars and fans at all!
In any case, If under these circumstances my marriage is ok, my future nymphet and nymphomaniac and nice,…first probable wife is charged to wed me until one month later at most. Of course just according to my dos and don’ts and expectations in so superb circumstrances! Or else she never become forgivable and rather than she will be deserved hardest horrible penalties properly even in form of her mutilation and amputation alive appropriately as well!
Stay that a lot of other persons with my future other partners centralities will have to pay so severe indemnities and damages for the sake of my future first probable partner very fatal and mortal and mad-kind mistake based upon her wedding time tardiness too!
This is as my ultimate ultimatum!
Following fatal and mistake and mortal options never must take place. Otherwise Blood Sea will be created spontaneously and a lot of persons with my future partners centralities will be massacred mercilessly:
1- Contact from Isfahan University and any place from my hellish homeland!
2- To offer those very improper jobs that inflames me inherently. For example I never become trader (especially traditional trader) and I never go to Isfahan university,…!
3- To prolong and postpone my marriage or abroad migration, as merely and merely 2 acceptable options, trends that must take place right away mandatorily too!
4- More than 25 years old girls dating and wedding with me, whether they be my future first partner or my other future partners including my future favorite selected courtesans too!
5- Those groups of girls dating and wedding with me that mismatch me and they haven’t my favorite trinary marriage standards and their looks and characters disagree with my favorite frequently pre-said styles!
6- To sicken and sacrifice and slay more numbers of my familiars and fans by medical and or non-medical felonies whether before or after my future consecutive marriages!
7- To treat with disrespect with me whether by familiars or strangers!
8- To train and stimulate and seduce and brainwash familiars and or strangers in order to blow out my brains alike kill joy!
9- And so forth!
On my future occupation, despite rehash again I severely stress that keeping in mind long term time too tyrannies and tricks and serial murders and sinister schemes,… my future main jobs are subdivided to two following fundamental factors forever:
1- To feel euphoric with my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners and make out with them as much as I can as my main career!
2- To pursue my favorite multi-colored extracurricular plans and tasteful hobbies and exhilarating abroad journeys marginally!
Of course I’ve decided to earmark my remainder so golden and praiseworthy longevity to day and night ceaseless orgy and debauchery with my future hot and horny and fun and fine and freethinker,…adolescent partners mostly!
But option 2 has merely marginal priority for me forever!
Anyway, except of 2 above-mentioned options, other things must be deleted for me forever. Or else other persons with my future partners priorities will be deleted hideously!
Altogether, taking into account long lasting time demonic and dreadful darkness and disasters and diseases and deaths and deceptions and discriminations and deliberately delays,…that all of them have been engineered as well, I want to allot my rest golden longevity to extravagant eroticism and sybaritism and sensualism fundamentally!
Rather than I severely shun and shirk from other options eternally!
Indeed, who killed brus li?
Not only famous brus li from Hong Kong(((a so famous superstar that was kung fu legendary hero and martial arts artist in movie industry with world popularity))) that was slain and sacrificed suspiciously but also other the times brus li with Iranian and foreign originality too!
In extensive scales, who have been long term disasters and diseases and deaths,…creators and performers and victims whether in Iran or in around of world spheres and whether with Iranian nationality or with foreign originality as immolators or immolations?
Please decode from one century time tyrants and time satanic customs creators and executors and one hundred years old sorrows and sufferings,…sources and enumerate all of their sacrifices including some of my familiars and fans firstly with Iranian nationality and secondly with foreign originality!
If you ponder on my various very informative and inspiring and worthy surrealistic and symbolic,…emails and conversations contents on Satanism sources and demonology origins,… your vision horizons increase considerably too!
In spite of rehash, again I extremely emphasize that to postpone and prolong my marriage trends metamorphose my future partners to Satan and Satan imitators and satanic sects accomplices and serial killers and source of sedition and slaughter and ahmadi physician doubles,…and retrograde them to so rubbish and ruffian and rascal,…sub-beasts spontaneously!
So, to speed up my marriage or migration to overseas trends aren’t volitionally options at all. Instead, they are compulsorily that one of them and only and only one of them must occur idealistically at once! Not after 3 or 4 members of my family consecutive serial killings with long term tardiness in so called resurrection morning! That miserably 2 or 3 of them have been immolated ever since!
Not through my marriage momentous matter purposefully postponement and prolongation, intrigue against my other familiars and fans and pull the rug from under them in order to spoil and ruin and put them to death surreptitiously even after my marriages too!
Therefore, from every angle my marriage lateness is as a so satanic and criminal and hellish and hateful task with very dangerous and dreadful and destructive consequences everlasting!
Unless I leave my satanic-stricken country in best idealistic manners as soon as possible!
Thus, in these so sensitive and critical conditions either my marriage must happen in so superb circumstances or my migration to abroad countries occurs in best idealistic manners at once!
I will be infuriated inwardly that under the plea of world sufferings and sorrows and customs and Hong Kong tea ceremony consequences and my testing and times terms and imam command and Iran revolution cost and Iran last kingdom dynasty felonies and other very unrelated and unforgivable and inhumane pretexts my marriage or abroad migration trends be very tormentor and time-intensive and troublemaking and my times be killed and I will be compelled to tolerate time-intensive and tormentor wars of nerves and wars of attrition and a lot of my familiars and fans be immolated ((whether before or after my future consecutive partners marriages and dating,…with me)),…and naturally under these circumstances I will be coerced to resort to very rightful retaliation measures unavoidably and then wherever will be turned to blood sea and no one from kids to old has immunity and karma laws become activated automatically!
Game over!
From this time on, my fans and I transform these long term hellish and satanic games rules and instead guide them to very appropriate ways!
Despite rehash, please pay deep attention that from olden times ago not only satanic sects have tormented and terrified my bleak brother and they’ve metamorphosed him to a very mulish and malignant and mad and miserable and anguished and anxious and stressful and shit,… guy by medical and non-medical felonies satanically and proficiently but also they’ve harassed and confused and entangled,…us ((especially my martyr parents and I in turn)) too.
Partcularily, they terrified and tormented and thrashed my martyr parents by him for long years terribly too.
This is while when my martyr parents were alive they were exposed of engineered and predetermined disasters and diseases too.
As a matter of facts, at least 3 or 4 members of my family and some of my other familiars,… have been subjected of time dreadful and demonic darkness and disasters and diseases and deaths and deceits and discriminations,…from so long years ago and in other words they’ve been as alive immolates from olden times ago and even I’m one hundred years old sorrows and sufferings and time satanic custom narrator too!
That is why as before some of social strata with radio and TV broadcasters centralities assimilate me with abolghsem fedowsi(epic of king or shahnameh creator) and so popular calligrapher and history narrator symbolically and surrealistically too! And they believe on my future nymphet and nympho,…first probable wife wedding with me is as Iran revolution recreation and triumph too! And even they assimilate it with Tehran metropolis milad tower birth too.
And they believe on my future first probable wife is as full moon and due to her all towns have been turbulent and that is why amid their songs they sing that she stays at home for the sake of her so beauty!
They believe on her wedding with me is a historical events that declare Day of Judgment! Such a way that as if as a result of her wedding with me Iran would be transmuted and renaissance resurrection would be emerged and times saver would be appeared as well!
In spite of rehash again I repeat that as before betweenwhiles some of social strata with radio and TV broadcasting centralities describe on my future first probable wife and her qualifications and congratulate her wedding with me before now too!
For instance, they assert that she come from kashan city originality and her looks and character are marvelously unique from their stances such a way that from their outlooks I will be overjoyed as a result of her married life and erotic life with me too and they assimilate her with peacock and peach and red (fatty) cheeks and rose water and blue scarf and full moon too!
By the way, do they talk true or not they’re tantalizing me,…as before?
Whether they say true or false, it expect that all of my future partners match me and they’ve my favorite triplet marriage standards as much as they can and overlap with them maximally and intoxicate and exhilarate me extremely and eternally and meantime my future first probable nymphet and nymphomaniac and nice,…probable wife wed me erotically and eagerly and immediately! of course before her first dating with me, she should prepare my favorite home pets((particularly my trained and cute and playful poodles and puppies,…))and music and sport instruments,…by all means in advance and after her thick makeup, come our current dilapidated apartment unit and apologize me wholeheartedly a lot and then submit her wooing demand me meekly and marry me amorously and then gladden me a lot eternally! Of course along with my other future passionate and pretty,…preteen and teen partners and companions!
Meantime as before I decipher from Satanism sects and demonology origins and one century sorrows and sufferings artfully as well!
It seems as before a lot of persons from familiars to strangers expect from me merely that I feed and curry and tolerate my very intolerable and infuriated and impolite and impersonal and illusionist and insipid and hallucinatory and electuary-stricken and disaster-hit and metamorphosed and mulish and mad and malignant and miserable and agitated and anxious and anguished and anger and aggressive and sadomasochist and savage and silly and selfish and spoiled and shitty and shit,…sibling till so called resurrection morning by myself.
Even unfortunately as before all of evidence and facts show vividly that as long as he is alive my marriage or migration to overseas especially my marriage isn’t feasible in practice too.
That is why satanic sects and their inwardly blind imitators have tantalized me and they’ve made me their animal magnetism and they’ve conspired versus me in different places from more than 25 years ago terribly too. And they’ve imposed long term job patience me by force terribly too!
This is while from more than 25 years ago a lot of persons with radio and TV broadcasting centralities and their official singers have given my marriage glad tidings frequently in advance as well!
Stay that from those turbulent years to now a lot of persons from familiars to strangers have accused me as a daydreamer and liar guy flagrantly or ignorantly too!
This is while as before my metamorphosed bleak brother toleration is as Herculean task that need to so severe self-control and restraining of anger and munificence and beneficence and charity and ultra toleration threshold too!
Because he has turned our home to trash bin and house of mourning and under his monopolization and he hallucinate and rampage and wrangle and play the devil and project and pick quarrels and mock and mimic monsters sounds and babble and gibber and jabber and yuk and yell crazily and desperately and sadistically and stressfully and nauseously as before and in order to prevent his so severe cumulative and chronic nervous system and neurosis more frustration, I consider him hugely too!
That is why as before I extremely emphasize that my martyr parents and I (in turn) must be extolled extremely and eternally as well.
Because in spite of long term too terrible time dreadful and demonic darkness, we tolerated and fed and curried him by ourselves and grinned and borne it a lot too. Of course after my parents martyrdom, I’ve done these so hard impossible mission by myself so far!
Anyway, under these circumstances, I’ve missed my best lifetimes years that must have allocated to my extreme eroticism and indulge in sensuality and live in pleasure horribly!
Any person be instead me, he/she eternalize their animosities and aversions and revengefully actions and every day and night create blood sea and doomsday everywhere as well!
But game over and my limitless leniencies is ending and expect that without one moment hiatus and hesitation either my marriage or migration to overseas be performed just according to my dos and don’ts in so supreme conditions!
This is as my last deadline and ultimatum!
Satanist sects and their inwardly blind imitators and scums never disremember that play with fire, burn and blaze players horribly and turn them to charcoals completely too!
In latest day that I left home in order to daily foodstuffs,…buying, on one of my current fellow citizen sentimental and cute young girls t-shirt had been written:
Pleasure California!
Please decode from this phrase too!
In here, pleasure California mean:
To live in California is so pleasurable and any person that live in that state (especially in its capital, losangeles metropolis) feel high
My current town is California doubleganger
In here pleasure California is symbolized my future first nymphet,…partner that cause that I will become frantic with joy as a result of her love life with me
She wanted to instill me that I’m world king symbol that is immunized from world satanic custom and instead I has been brazen-bodied from time oppression and indulge in sensuality right alike so stalwart kings henceforth
All of them
None of them
Other things
These kinds of wired words are as coded words in order to different people mysterious interactions?
Anyway, is this cute modern girl and alike are my pros or cons innately?
Of course other meaningful phrases and words similar ye3 and 3 and just do it and only for you,…that I’ve decoded on them previously have been written on some of my current town fellow citizens from kids to adolescent and young,…girls and guys t-shirts and jackets and bags,…as before too!
It seems as before maybe all of them want to have esoteric telepathy or sympathy or empathy with me!
Stay that it seems that all of them have backdrop trainers too!
Of course perhaps not too and either their especial addressers isn’t me or they are testing or tantalizing me too!
Please decode from them and their behaviors for me and say me which of them are my fans or foes innately?
As before some of social strata with radio and TV broadcasting centralities assimilate me with time the great rook (sharokh) and world symbol!
In any case, I expect that alley and street and radio and TV broadcasting and other places don’t turn to misfortune moats and hellish football stadiums and wrestling saloons and war fronts and mine fields and teahouses(with negative approaches) and neo-Nazi forces haunts and ahmadi physician clinics and source of sedition and hell black holes and gambling houses(with negative outlook) and different Satanist sects hang-out and times the Hitler nests and boxing rings and racist and fascist and medievalist believers and other Satanist sects resorts and alike at all!
Instead all of them be so blissful and different social strata be my fans and I true-blue too!
It seems as before some of social strata are my future first (probable)fiancee representatives and messengers and they reflect her messages me mysteriously too!
Stay that as before some of social strata toss heads or tails on my future nymphet,…first probable wife wedding or no before now too!
Meantime why as before some of social strata from familiars to strangers and from TV and radio announcers to alley and street people,…say and behave as if they knew which of us or them would be saved or sacrificed and or become very prosperous or unfortunate in future in advance?
I will be so grateful from you that you say me which of persons and organizations,…usher and train familiars and strangers,…in backdrop as before?
And which of them are my fans and I real pros and cons inherently too?
And which of them make a scene and act humanistically and humanely or maliciously and inimically as before?
Please not only decode from all of them but also decipher from different social strata symbolic and surrealist behaviors and tasks and talks and say me which of my association of ideas from their words and phrases,… that they say and behave or are been written on their cloths and machines and shops,…true or false?
Please apprize my mind reading and insight and intuition and six sense abilities in different domains and then give grade me on them henceforth!
In any case, I’m preparing myself for my future day and night ceaselessly and greedily and pleasurably orgy and debauchery with my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners permanently or feel high in abroad countries forever beforehand!
Altogether, I intend to overindulge in sybaritism and sensualism, as my prime permanent priority and plan and pressing need and philosophy hereafter!
Lately on one of my current town inhabitants t-shirt had been written:
Impossible can be possible or alike!
It seems that:
He want to say me that most beautiful and freethinker,…girls wedding with me aren’t impossible and chimerical and vain hope. Rather than they can be possible and feasible strikingly and surprisingly soon or late too! Such a way that as a result of its performance a lot of persons will be transfixed in their places too!
Indeed, who train these groups of people in backstage and then propel them toward me subsequently and are these groups of people and their back of scene trainers my pros or cons inwardly?
Radio and TV broadcasting
My future first (probable)fiancee and her familiars and fans
Those groups of people that inhabit in Isfahan metropolis particularly my past pure poop university sly and sneaky scholars and their followers and imitators
Intelligence services
Iran leaders
Different NGOS
World system
World society
Those mafia gangs that govern Tehran metropolis alley and street,…terms
So called times godfathers
Satanist sects
Why as before I suppose some of social strata especially some of radio and TV announcers (with radio broadcasters centralities) are so sneaky and sly and fishy?
It seems either they are testing me or tantalizing or tricking me as before. Of course maybe they are playing with me too. Perhaps they imagine that they can brainwash me by psychological and non-psychological ways. Of course they never can brainwash me with their proficient psychological,…ways or to torment and terrorize me and conspire against me in different places and deprive me from pleasurable life great donations even from my childhood eras to now and or embroil us,…without their proper punishments! Or even through to impose engineered disasters and diseases and deceits and discriminations to us,…in order to frustrate me,…easily and without proper penalty!
This is while reversely, their long term tricks and tortures,…strengthen my mental power and my radical stances against them and their ideologies,…concurrently too! And we will backfire all of their long lasting diabolism to themselves right alike boomerangs and we will shock and screw and spoil and ruin them a lot soon or late and whatever their punishments time be postponed their severities increase progressively too!
Of course I hope that these kinds of bad supposition on them be false completely and they don’t be evil hearted innately at all as well.
No one can change my favorite thinking systems and lifestyles and world views,…satanically by force at all!
Because under these circumstances, conversely they coerce me to so more retaliation measures and turn me to zealous and hardliner and vigorous and ultra-radical iron will and stalwart person properly and automatically! And their long term naughtiness and diabolism blaze my vengeance flames so more and backfire to themselves and blaze and burn them too terribly too!
So, let us never dare to convert one another by force or through terrorization one another personalities and or by deprivation one another human rights and natural rights and or immolate one another familiars and fans,…unmanly and knavishly!
Anyway as before despite different social strata stances on my marriage glad tidings truth ,from my standpoint I haven’t any fiancee at all and all of news on this momentous matter are as mere lie and rumor from my point of view even if they be true totally too. I’ve said on this so sensitive sphere before now frequently and I avoid from its prolonging again!
Meantime merely and merely I marry with those groups of girls that:
1- They’ve my favorite triplet marriage standards and they match me as much as it can be feasible!
2- They rejoice and refresh and rejuvenate me a lot eternally!
3- They never dare to compel me to wars of nerves and wars of attrition and retaliation measures through their infringement from my favorite frequently pre-written prescribed popular lifestyles and thinking systems,…or by their sadistic and projective behaviors and mischievousness!
4- Their wedding with me never must be calamitous and clamorous and costly and seditious and tormentor and time-intensive and troublemaking and nerve-racking!
Keeping in mind long term too terrible time tyrannies and tricks, that never be pardonable and recoverable too, it expect that either I quit my calamitous country in best idealistic manners immediately or most beautiful and freethinker and frisky,…adolescent and just adolescent girl wed me erotically and eagerly and immediately! And with passage of times their numbers increase as well.
Because I intend to earmark my rest golden longevity to extravagant eroticism with my future nymphet and nympho and nice,…partners permanently!
And it expect that all of my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…partners be preteen and teen in turn! instead more than 25 years old girls severely shirk and shun from sex and crush and chemistry and dating and wedding with me forever!
Because I avoid from these groups of ages in order to date and wed and sex with them forever!
Instead, I extremely love ceaselessly and greedily and pleasurably sexual intercourse and orgy and debauchery with passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen(preferably preteen)chicks permanently!
Meantime my future nymphet and nice,…first probable fiancee is obliged to shorten her wedding trend with me just according to my guidelines and guide directions and at the outset she should prepare my favorite home pets and music and sport instruments,…by all means and after her extreme makeup come our current junky apartment unit and after her extreme apology from me submit her wooing requisition me meekly and then wed me erotically and enthusiastically at once. Such a way that all of these gorgeous events occur concurrently till one month later maximally by all means!
And then in length of her married life and erotic life and love life with me, she exhilarate me eternally, of course in company with my other future passionate and pretty,…preteen and teen partners!
Only and only I welcome from these groups of girls in order to love life with them everlasting! or else I severely avoid from other groups of girls in order to dating and crush and chemistry and sexual intercourse and wedding with them forever and even I believe on permanent celibacy is so better than to wed and date with those groups of girls that mismatch me and they haven’t my favorite trine marriage standards and they haven’t harmony with me in different fields. Unless they be courtesans and sex workers that only have sexual intercourse with me from time to time or regularly!
Of course fortunately it is unlikely that courtesans and even poor prostitutes have Middle Ages ideologies and lifestyles too!
Please pay deep attention that I detest from traditionalist and racist and fascist and obscurantist and middle ages,… believers! Unless they convert themselves inherently and repent truly from these very poisonous and pathogenic and pure poop ideologies and thinking systems and lifestyles,…permanently!
Instead, I love hedonism and humanism and sybaritism and sensualism and syncretism and naturalism and populism and cosmopolitism and egalitarianism and liberalism,…simultaneously not separately of course with dynamic and modern approaches from them eternally! And I expect that my future partners be alike me from these so sensitive spheres as well!
Restlessly and impatiently, I wait for merely and merely my marriage or migration to overseas fulfillment just according to my expectations in so superb circumstances in shortest time span!
It is so horrendously and hazardously late too!
Stay that Satanist sects and their inwardly blind imitators have lagged and lengthened my marriage,…trends heartlessly hitherto!
Because they’ve had so criminal minds and calamitous intentions and nasty plots ever since!
In any case, I hope that I feel high with my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners henceforth and as a result of ceaseless orgy and debauchery with them I become overjoyed forever!
It expect that my future nymphet and nymphomaniac and nice,…first probable wife wed me erotically and eagerly until one month later maximally! And she doesn’t imitate from times demons blindly at all as well. and she doesn’t lag and lengthen her wedding trend with me and in this case she play Satan and serial killer and source of sedition and ahmadi physician doubleganger,…roles concurrently too!
Because times demons want to make my marriage,…trends so more disastrous and immolate more numbers of my familiars and fans and even how often hinder from my marriage performance as much as they can and even they want that I slaughter my future partners during my very rightful retaliation measures afterward as well. Because whatever my marriage trends be more time-intensive, my future partners lifetimes are endangered increasingly and their punishments severities enhance progressively and properly too! And their dismemberment and decapitation probabilities by me increase automatically as well.
Unless it adopts attitudes that I abandon my hellish homeland immediately and idealistically!
I’m in a hurry a lot and my hastiness is so rightful and proper too!
So, one of these 2 non-alternative options must occur in very idealistic and pleasurable forms immediately by all means!
It is obligatorily not arbitrarily at all!
Please ponder more and more and understand me more and take into account long term too terrible time tyrannies and tricks and then entitle me totally!
Because as before I’m in the right absolutely!
Please don’t misjudge me through inspiration from racism and fascism and medievalism and other Satanism schools literatures and laws and lifestyles and norms at all!
As my marriage momentous matter has so pivotal importance for me, then in order to hindrance my future partners dismemberment and decapitation by me appropriately and in order to prevention to pull their pupils out from their eyes by me properly, again and again for million times I repeat that only and only those groups of girls are permitted to date and wed me as my future partners that:
1- Their dating and wedding with me don’t become calamitous and clamorous and costly and tormentor and time-intensive and troublemaking and nerve wrack!
2- All of my future partners must match me and they must have my favorite triplet marriage standards necessarily!
In spite of rehash, I repeat that those groups of girls match me and they’ve my favorite trine marriage standards that they have following qualifications by all means:
1- Their ages be under 15 preferably and under 25 compulsorily! Of course I severely stress that all of them be preteen and teen in turn!
2- From looks and character they be unique!
I mean they be so beautiful and they’ve so lascivious body members. Especially their erogenous zones be so lecherous and libidinous! And they be so hot and horny girls that in length of their erotic life with me they be so hotter than popular porn stars as well!
On their characters they must be so amiable and affectionate and attractive and freethinker and frisky and funny and fine and fascinating and fantastic,…girls simultaneously and they severely should shun and shirk and loath from racism and fascism and medievalism and monarchism(particularly its middle east countries versions)and militarism and Islamism and traditionalism and obscurantism and nationalism and other similar crap and crappy world views and ideologies and lifestyles and instead their thinking systems and world views and ideologies and lifestyles be based on dynamic and modern and popular syncretism that their elements are humanism and hedonism and sybaritism and sensualism and naturalism and modernism and universalism and populism and liberalism and alike of course with their dynamic approaches simultaneously not separately(at all) right alike me!
I mean they must be my doubleganger as much as they can even in ultra-radical kind forms too!
Meantime all of my future partners,…must allocate all of their eternal endeavors on my extra-eroticism fulfillment and they should intoxicate and exhilarate me extremely and eternally! Not they blow out my brains by their very sadistic and projective and improper deeds and tasks and talks at all! Not they’ve long-term criminal minds and calamitous intentions and nasty plots and sinister schemes on my rest familiars and fans at all!
In any case, If under these circumstances my marriage is ok, my future nymphet and nymphomaniac and nice,…first probable wife is charged to wed me until one month later at most. Of course just according to my dos and don’ts and expectations in so superb circumstrances! Or else she never become forgivable and rather than she will be deserved hardest horrible penalties properly even in form of her mutilation and amputation alive appropriately as well!
Stay that a lot of other persons with my future other partners centralities will have to pay so severe indemnities and damages for the sake of my future first probable partner very fatal and mortal and mad-kind mistake based upon her wedding time tardiness too!
This is as my ultimate ultimatum!
Following fatal and mistake and mortal options never must take place. Otherwise Blood Sea will be created spontaneously and a lot of persons with my future partners centralities will be massacred mercilessly:
1- Contact from Isfahan University and any place from my hellish homeland!
2- To offer those very improper jobs that inflames me inherently. For example I never become trader (especially traditional trader) and I never go to Isfahan university,…!
3- To prolong and postpone my marriage or abroad migration, as merely and merely 2 acceptable options, trends that must take place right away mandatorily too!
4- More than 25 years old girls dating and wedding with me, whether they be my future first partner or my other future partners including my future favorite selected courtesans too!
5- Those groups of girls dating and wedding with me that mismatch me and they haven’t my favorite trinary marriage standards and their looks and characters disagree with my favorite frequently pre-said styles!
6- To sicken and sacrifice and slay more numbers of my familiars and fans by medical and or non-medical felonies whether before or after my future consecutive marriages!
7- To treat with disrespect with me whether by familiars or strangers!
8- To train and stimulate and seduce and brainwash familiars and or strangers in order to blow out my brains alike kill joy!
9- And so forth!
On my future occupation, despite rehash again I severely stress that keeping in mind long term time too tyrannies and tricks and serial murders and sinister schemes,… my future main jobs are subdivided to two following fundamental factors forever:
1- To feel euphoric with my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners and make out with them as much as I can as my main career!
2- To pursue my favorite multi-colored extracurricular plans and tasteful hobbies and exhilarating abroad journeys marginally!
Of course I’ve decided to earmark my remainder so golden and praiseworthy longevity to day and night ceaseless orgy and debauchery with my future hot and horny and fun and fine and freethinker,…adolescent partners mostly!
But option 2 has merely marginal priority for me forever!
Anyway, except of 2 above-mentioned options, other things must be deleted for me forever. Or else other persons with my future partners priorities will be deleted hideously!
Altogether, taking into account long lasting time demonic and dreadful darkness and disasters and diseases and deaths and deceptions and discriminations and deliberately delays,…that all of them have been engineered as well, I want to allot my rest golden longevity to extravagant eroticism and sybaritism and sensualism fundamentally!
Rather than I severely shun and shirk from other options eternally!
Indeed, who killed brus li?
Not only famous brus li from Hong Kong(((a so famous superstar that was kung fu legendary hero and martial arts artist in movie industry with world popularity))) that was slain and sacrificed suspiciously but also other the times brus li with Iranian and foreign originality too!
In extensive scales, who have been long term disasters and diseases and deaths,…creators and performers and victims whether in Iran or in around of world spheres and whether with Iranian nationality or with foreign originality as immolators or immolations?
Please decode from one century time tyrants and time satanic customs creators and executors and one hundred years old sorrows and sufferings,…sources and enumerate all of their sacrifices including some of my familiars and fans firstly with Iranian nationality and secondly with foreign originality!
If you ponder on my various very informative and inspiring and worthy surrealistic and symbolic,…emails and conversations contents on Satanism sources and demonology origins,… your vision horizons increase considerably too!
In spite of rehash, again I extremely emphasize that to postpone and prolong my marriage trends metamorphose my future partners to Satan and Satan imitators and satanic sects accomplices and serial killers and source of sedition and slaughter and ahmadi physician doubles,…and retrograde them to so rubbish and ruffian and rascal,…sub-beasts spontaneously!
So, to speed up my marriage or migration to overseas trends aren’t volitionally options at all. Instead, they are compulsorily that one of them and only and only one of them must occur idealistically at once! Not after 3 or 4 members of my family consecutive serial killings with long term tardiness in so called resurrection morning! That miserably 2 or 3 of them have been immolated ever since!
Not through my marriage momentous matter purposefully postponement and prolongation, intrigue against my other familiars and fans and pull the rug from under them in order to spoil and ruin and put them to death surreptitiously even after my marriages too!
Therefore, from every angle my marriage lateness is as a so satanic and criminal and hellish and hateful task with very dangerous and dreadful and destructive consequences everlasting!
Unless I leave my satanic-stricken country in best idealistic manners as soon as possible!
Thus, in these so sensitive and critical conditions either my marriage must happen in so superb circumstances or my migration to abroad countries occurs in best idealistic manners at once!
I will be infuriated inwardly that under the plea of world sufferings and sorrows and customs and Hong Kong tea ceremony consequences and my testing and times terms and imam command and Iran revolution cost and Iran last kingdom dynasty felonies and other very unrelated and unforgivable and inhumane pretexts my marriage or abroad migration trends be very tormentor and time-intensive and troublemaking and my times be killed and I will be compelled to tolerate time-intensive and tormentor wars of nerves and wars of attrition and a lot of my familiars and fans be immolated ((whether before or after my future consecutive partners marriages and dating,…with me)),…and naturally under these circumstances I will be coerced to resort to very rightful retaliation measures unavoidably and then wherever will be turned to blood sea and no one from kids to old has immunity and karma laws become activated automatically!
Game over!
From this time on, my fans and I transform these long term hellish and satanic games rules and instead guide them to very appropriate ways!
Despite rehash, please pay deep attention that from olden times ago not only satanic sects have tormented and terrified my bleak brother and they’ve metamorphosed him to a very mulish and malignant and mad and miserable and anguished and anxious and stressful and shit,… guy by medical and non-medical felonies satanically and proficiently but also they’ve harassed and confused and entangled,…us ((especially my martyr parents and I in turn)) too.
Partcularily, they terrified and tormented and thrashed my martyr parents by him for long years terribly too.
This is while when my martyr parents were alive they were exposed of engineered and predetermined disasters and diseases too.
As a matter of facts, at least 3 or 4 members of my family and some of my other familiars,… have been subjected of time dreadful and demonic darkness and disasters and diseases and deaths and deceits and discriminations,…from so long years ago and in other words they’ve been as alive immolates from olden times ago and even I’m one hundred years old sorrows and sufferings and time satanic custom narrator too!
That is why as before some of social strata with radio and TV broadcasters centralities assimilate me with abolghsem fedowsi(epic of king or shahnameh creator) and so popular calligrapher and history narrator symbolically and surrealistically too! And they believe on my future nymphet and nympho,…first probable wife wedding with me is as Iran revolution recreation and triumph too! And even they assimilate it with Tehran metropolis milad tower birth too.
And they believe on my future first probable wife is as full moon and due to her all towns have been turbulent and that is why amid their songs they sing that she stays at home for the sake of her so beauty!
They believe on her wedding with me is a historical events that declare Day of Judgment! Such a way that as if as a result of her wedding with me Iran would be transmuted and renaissance resurrection would be emerged and times saver would be appeared as well!
In spite of rehash again I repeat that as before betweenwhiles some of social strata with radio and TV broadcasting centralities describe on my future first probable wife and her qualifications and congratulate her wedding with me before now too!
For instance, they assert that she come from kashan city originality and her looks and character are marvelously unique from their stances such a way that from their outlooks I will be overjoyed as a result of her married life and erotic life with me too and they assimilate her with peacock and peach and red (fatty) cheeks and rose water and blue scarf and full moon too!
By the way, do they talk true or not they’re tantalizing me,…as before?
Whether they say true or false, it expect that all of my future partners match me and they’ve my favorite triplet marriage standards as much as they can and overlap with them maximally and intoxicate and exhilarate me extremely and eternally and meantime my future first probable nymphet and nymphomaniac and nice,…probable wife wed me erotically and eagerly and immediately! of course before her first dating with me, she should prepare my favorite home pets((particularly my trained and cute and playful poodles and puppies,…))and music and sport instruments,…by all means in advance and after her thick makeup, come our current dilapidated apartment unit and apologize me wholeheartedly a lot and then submit her wooing demand me meekly and marry me amorously and then gladden me a lot eternally! Of course along with my other future passionate and pretty,…preteen and teen partners and companions!
Meantime as before I decipher from Satanism sects and demonology origins and one century sorrows and sufferings artfully as well!
It seems as before a lot of persons from familiars to strangers expect from me merely that I feed and curry and tolerate my very intolerable and infuriated and impolite and impersonal and illusionist and insipid and hallucinatory and electuary-stricken and disaster-hit and metamorphosed and mulish and mad and malignant and miserable and agitated and anxious and anguished and anger and aggressive and sadomasochist and savage and silly and selfish and spoiled and shitty and shit,…sibling till so called resurrection morning by myself.
Even unfortunately as before all of evidence and facts show vividly that as long as he is alive my marriage or migration to overseas especially my marriage isn’t feasible in practice too.
That is why satanic sects and their inwardly blind imitators have tantalized me and they’ve made me their animal magnetism and they’ve conspired versus me in different places from more than 25 years ago terribly too. And they’ve imposed long term job patience me by force terribly too!
This is while from more than 25 years ago a lot of persons with radio and TV broadcasting centralities and their official singers have given my marriage glad tidings frequently in advance as well!
Stay that from those turbulent years to now a lot of persons from familiars to strangers have accused me as a daydreamer and liar guy flagrantly or ignorantly too!
This is while as before my metamorphosed bleak brother toleration is as Herculean task that need to so severe self-control and restraining of anger and munificence and beneficence and charity and ultra toleration threshold too!
Because he has turned our home to trash bin and house of mourning and under his monopolization and he hallucinate and rampage and wrangle and play the devil and project and pick quarrels and mock and mimic monsters sounds and babble and gibber and jabber and yuk and yell crazily and desperately and sadistically and stressfully and nauseously as before and in order to prevent his so severe cumulative and chronic nervous system and neurosis more frustration, I consider him hugely too!
That is why as before I extremely emphasize that my martyr parents and I (in turn) must be extolled extremely and eternally as well.
Because in spite of long term too terrible time dreadful and demonic darkness, we tolerated and fed and curried him by ourselves and grinned and borne it a lot too. Of course after my parents martyrdom, I’ve done these so hard impossible mission by myself so far!
Anyway, under these circumstances, I’ve missed my best lifetimes years that must have allocated to my extreme eroticism and indulge in sensuality and live in pleasure horribly!
Any person be instead me, he/she eternalize their animosities and aversions and revengefully actions and every day and night create blood sea and doomsday everywhere as well!
But game over and my limitless leniencies is ending and expect that without one moment hiatus and hesitation either my marriage or migration to overseas be performed just according to my dos and don’ts in so supreme conditions!
This is as my last deadline and ultimatum!
Satanist sects and their inwardly blind imitators and scums never disremember that play with fire, burn and blaze players horribly and turn them to charcoals completely too!
In latest day that I left home in order to daily foodstuffs,…buying, on one of my current fellow citizen sentimental and cute young girls t-shirt had been written:
Pleasure California!
Please decode from this phrase too!
In here, pleasure California mean:
To live in California is so pleasurable and any person that live in that state (especially in its capital, losangeles metropolis) feel high
My current town is California doubleganger
In here pleasure California is symbolized my future first nymphet,…partner that cause that I will become frantic with joy as a result of her love life with me
She wanted to instill me that I’m world king symbol that is immunized from world satanic custom and instead I has been brazen-bodied from time oppression and indulge in sensuality right alike so stalwart kings henceforth
All of them
None of them
Other things
These kinds of wired words are as coded words in order to different people mysterious interactions?
Anyway, is this cute modern girl and alike are my pros or cons innately?
Of course other meaningful phrases and words similar ye3 and 3 and just do it and only for you,…that I’ve decoded on them previously have been written on some of my current town fellow citizens from kids to adolescent and young,…girls and guys t-shirts and jackets and bags,…as before too!
It seems as before maybe all of them want to have esoteric telepathy or sympathy or empathy with me!
Stay that it seems that all of them have backdrop trainers too!
Of course perhaps not too and either their especial addressers isn’t me or they are testing or tantalizing me too!
Please decode from them and their behaviors for me and say me which of them are my fans or foes innately?
As before some of social strata with radio and TV broadcasting centralities assimilate me with time the great rook (sharokh) and world symbol!
In any case, I expect that alley and street and radio and TV broadcasting and other places don’t turn to misfortune moats and hellish football stadiums and wrestling saloons and war fronts and mine fields and teahouses(with negative approaches) and neo-Nazi forces haunts and ahmadi physician clinics and source of sedition and hell black holes and gambling houses(with negative outlook) and different Satanist sects hang-out and times the Hitler nests and boxing rings and racist and fascist and medievalist believers and other Satanist sects resorts and alike at all!
Instead all of them be so blissful and different social strata be my fans and I true-blue too!
It seems as before some of social strata are my future first (probable)fiancee representatives and messengers and they reflect her messages me mysteriously too!
Stay that as before some of social strata toss heads or tails on my future nymphet,…first probable wife wedding or no before now too!
Meantime why as before some of social strata from familiars to strangers and from TV and radio announcers to alley and street people,…say and behave as if they knew which of us or them would be saved or sacrificed and or become very prosperous or unfortunate in future in advance?
I will be so grateful from you that you say me which of persons and organizations,…usher and train familiars and strangers,…in backdrop as before?
And which of them are my fans and I real pros and cons inherently too?
And which of them make a scene and act humanistically and humanely or maliciously and inimically as before?
Please not only decode from all of them but also decipher from different social strata symbolic and surrealist behaviors and tasks and talks and say me which of my association of ideas from their words and phrases,… that they say and behave or are been written on their cloths and machines and shops,…true or false?
Please apprize my mind reading and insight and intuition and six sense abilities in different domains and then give grade me on them henceforth!
In any case, I’m preparing myself for my future day and night ceaselessly and greedily and pleasurably orgy and debauchery with my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners permanently or feel high in abroad countries forever beforehand!
Altogether, I intend to overindulge in sybaritism and sensualism, as my prime permanent priority and plan and pressing need and philosophy hereafter!