Fact Checked × This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. With strict editorial sourcing guidelines, we only link to academic research institutions, reputable media…
Which Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements Boost Your Immune System?
Whether you’re fighting off an infection or combating a cold, adding a few immune-boosting vitamins to your routine can be incredibly beneficial. In fact, certain vitamins, minerals and supplements have been shown…
Palo Santo Benefits for Immune Health and Inflammation
Burning dried wood from the “mystical” palo santo tree, and collecting its concentrated oils, have been widely used in folk medicines and by shamans (“medicine men”) for centuries. Reason being: The palo…
50 Keto Recipes — High in Healthy Fats + Low in Carbs
Trying new diets can be tough: all those things to avoid, to eat more of, new ingredients to buy. It’s enough to drive anyone bonkers, but there’s one way of eating that’s…
September Produce: Guide to Seasonal Vegetables and Fruits
As summer transitions into fall, September brings a bounty of fresh produce that’s perfect for both refreshing summer salads and hearty autumn dishes. This month offers an abundance of vegetables and fruits…
Fulvic Acid Benefits for Gut, Skin & Brain Health
Because fulvic acid is able to improve how our cells use things like antioxidants and electrolytes, it’s become popular for slowing down aging, improving digestive health and protecting brain function. In fact…
Magnesium Glycinate Benefits Sleep, Anxiety, PMS & More
Despite how essential it is to consume enough magnesium on a regular basis, many adults are believed to be magnesium-deficient — with up to 70 percent to 90 percent of the population at…
Vegan Pasta Sauce, Raw or Cooked
Start by adding all the ingredients except for the sun-dried tomatoes into the food processor and processing. Fresh, juicy tomatoes, a good dose of garlic, olive oil, a dash of sea salt…
Ceylon Cinnamon Benefits for the Heart, Brain, Gut & More
Fact Checked × This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. With strict editorial sourcing guidelines, we only link to academic research institutions, reputable media…
Cook with Cumin Seeds to Help Digestion & Immune System
You are probably familiar with the earthy, nutty and spicy flavor of cumin seeds or ground cumin. After all, humans have been using cumin in culinary dishes since ancient times — but…